We consult with educators to provide customized eLearning solutions to develop confident, proficient students in literacy and math.
We consult with educators to provide customized eLearning solutions to develop confident, proficient students in literacy and math.
We were inspired by great minds such as Professor Stephen Pinker, Daniel Willingham, Paul A. Kirschner, and John Sweller. We, therefore, baked into CAPIT critical educational ideas in cognitive science, such as Cognitive Load Theory, Interleaving, Spacing Effect, Interleaving, and Retrieval Practice. For example, we never introduce a concept and fail to repeat it. Instead, we ensure to place it in front of the student multiple times (Interleaving). Or when teaching an idea, we immediately test the student on it in numerous ways (Retrieval Practice).
The Research and Evidence Basis of CAPIT Reading: Content, Instructional Strategies, Assessments
A Comprehensive Algorithmic Approach to Reading Instruction